You already activated all functions of this application by entering a valid registration code. It is not neccessary to enter the code again. The username you entered is a pirate one! I can't accept that you use this code in FontBook, so I will quit now. Please mention: You're not stealing money from a major company, you're stealing it from a faithful programmer who believed in your honesty. Sorry, but your system version is too old for this application. FontBook requires at least MacOS Version 7.1. Sorry, but the Register application could not be launched. The documentation file has to be in the same folder like FontBook and there must be enough free memory available. Sorry, but the Register application could not be launched. It is not where I expected it to find. I think it is not installed... A incoming AppleEvent could not be processed correctly. Please contact the author and report him this problem. An error occured while reading or writing the preferences file. There may be not enough available memory or the preferences file might be damaged. This page could not be printed because of an error. Perhaps you selected a wrong printer driver or there is not enough free memory available. Sorry, but this suitcase contains no font files. It can't be opened. Please try again. The "Save as…" feature is only available in the registered version of FontBook. If you want to know how you can register your copy of FontBook, please read the documentation. Sorry, but you can only copy fonts that are installed in your system folder. If you want to copy a FontBook of the selected font you have to install it in your system folder. Sorry, but you can only save fonts that are installed in your system folder. If you want to save a FontBook of the selected font you have to install it in your system folder. Sorry, but FontBook couldn't create the picture. Please try to increase the memory allocation of FontBook. FontBook couldn't open the PICT file for writing. Please make sure that there is enough disk space available and that the volume is not locked. Sorry, but this application needs Color QuickDraw. It can't be used on this Mac. You are using an unregistered version of FontBook. Therefore you are only allowed to print a maximum of 20 pages using MultiPrint. Please register your version of FontBook in order to get the full power. The name and registration code you entered was correct. Thanks for registering FontBook. If you have any questions or problems with FontBook, please feel free to contact me. Sorry, but the Footer Line may not have more than 128 characters. Please enter a shorter Footer Line. Sorry, but the documentation could not be launched. The documentation file has to be in the same folder like FontBook and there must be enough free memory available. The zooming you entered had a wrong value. The zooming has to be an integer value between 50 and 200 percent. Sorry, but this feature is only available in the registered version of FontBook. You can find some more information about how to register in the documentation file. Sorry, but the documentation file could not be launched. It is not where I expected it to find. I think it is not installed... Sorry, but this zoom feature is not implemented yet. I will add it in one of the future versions. FontBook is a shareware application. If you like it and if you want to use it, please pay the shareware fee. For more details please read the documentation of this application. FontBook couldn't start Internet Config. In order to use these help items you need to install the Internet Config system. Error: Couldn't install AppleEvent Handler. Error: Couldn't create status dialog. Perhaps the resource is missing or there is not enough memory available. Please try to increase the memory allocation of FontBook or re-install FontBook. Error: There is not enough free memory available. Please try to increase the memory partition of FontBook in the Finder. Error: Couldn't execute LockPixels. Please try to increase the memory allocation of FontBook in the Finder. Error: Couldn't create GWorld. Perhaps there is not enough memory available. Please try to increase the memory allocation of FontBook in the Finder. The registration code you entered was incorrect. Please read the documentation for more information or contact Matthias Kahlert, the author of this application. Error: Couldn't get Font menu item text. This shouldn't happen... Error: You selected an unknown menu. This shouldn't happen... Error: You selected an unknown menu item. This shouldn't happen... Error: Couldn't create main window. Perhaps there is not enough memory available. Please try to increase the memory allocation of FontBook in the Finder. Error: Couldn't create menubar. Perhaps there is not enough memory available, or some resources are missing. Please try to increase the memory allocation of FontBook or re-install FontBook. Error: Couldn't create the about box. Perhaps there is not enough memory available, or some resources are missing. Please try to increase the memory allocation of FontBook or re-install FontBook.